Saturday, April 26, 2008

Introducing Later

Yes Later, that is his name. Registered pending name is Jessa Delayed Dignty. He had a little bit of a rough start. He was a little thin and had trouble figuring out how to nurse. Mom was very skinny, but now have her looking better. They are all doing much better and look much better. He is still a little awkward. He does not know how to lay down. He turns several circles, gets down on his knees, gets back up and does it again, about three times, then finally lays down. He is two weeks old in these pictures.

He did not lay down on this attempt. Look how close he gets then changes his mind.


Paige said...

That laying down business is harder than it looks!

He reminds me how much I love a buckskin horse

Desiree Thomas said...

he is so cute!!! You got a nice one girl..

Elly'sMom said...

He's very cute Kaycie. He'll figure it out. Mine usually have a difficult time of it for awhile also. Instead of laying down semi gracefully, they plop or crash and burn. He'll get it sooner or later. I love his little head. Too cute!

dmartin said...

Hello- I was interested in knowing more about this colt. I have found him up for sale in the Sacramento area, and after a search of his name, I see you are his breeder.
Can you tell me how long you owned him? I'm trying to figure out more of his training and background information.