Wednesday, February 27, 2008

New Puppy Pics

I have a few more new pictures of my puppies and a couple of the one mom has left. Also a picture of the mom of the lab mixes. She also has one more pup left but he had a reaction to his vaccination given 2 weeks ago. He would not get up on his hind end on Monday. Mom brought him in the house, and I suggested making sure he was hydrated. She she offered him water and he drank also offered him canned puppy food and he ate. On Tuesday he was not any better and I noticed his eyes were very gooey. Mom said his ears were worse. She took him to the vet. She said one in a 100 pups of a over-reaction to the vaccination. His body was working overtime time trying to kill off the yuckies. Nothing could have been done to prevent it and it is not contagious. The goo from his ears was like multiple puss pockets. Just his body over working. Had a slight fever, but liver and kidneys were fine. If left untreated it could affect them. He is now on antibiotics twice a day for 7 days then once a day for 7 days. Oh and she said that he was not using his hind end because it hurt. So today he was still down, but mom would make him go out once in a while. He was very vocal, crying. But mom said at least he felt up to at least crying, but it is sad to listen to him. So hopefully he will get better soon.

Can not get pictures loaded right now will have to work on that later.

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